Tuesday, November 14, 2006
haha, just feel ike penning some of my thoughts with regards to my CCA in university which is the NUS Students' Arts and Social Sciences Club!!! haha, i got the full name correct~ ;) trying to stir shit here, no offence ok? :P actually i can say i feel strongly (both fortunate and unfortunate) for my decision to run and e part of the 27th Management Committee. fortunate in the sense that it really opened up my eyes a lot with regards to human resource management and facts plus ways of life. i have really seen a lot ever since i stepped up as the deputy welfare director cum director of service cum assistant honourary treasurer. after being through around 2 months of MC life, seen so much stuff going on, came into contact with so many different types of people, i have learnt a lot of things i will never be able to do so in textbooks or lecture notes.
i am very blessed to be able to have so many seniors that really care for me from the bottom of my heart. they are always so ready to listen to me and help me whenever i need them to... to the extent that i feel really super duper paiseh to ask them for help or tell them about troubles i am experiencing because i seriously do not want to worry them about my own things. i also have great respect for a lot of them, for what they teach, for what they believe and for what they hope to pass down onto us. i salute all of them, they rock my life. shall not list them down because i do not want to have missed out any single one because it will be damn bad and they wont be able to know even if i put their names down so no point la, heez. ^-^
but, i also see a lot of things in life. the beautiful picture that my parents painted for me about life and people will totally smashed and there were times when i just lose hope in everything... even in life... because i find no meaning in me living on each day and wasting resources where other people can make use of it more economically-effective. i will just miss my friends in primary school, secondary school, jc and all the seniors and juniors plus my already deceased grandpa... especially my grandpa... i will deep down pray hard that he will just come one day and bring me together with him. haha, dont worry la, i wont die! muahahaha, but i have to agree there are bouts of depression and i will lose all hope in life.. haha.. for now it has been ok again? haha.. i duno how long it will last but no matter what, i will live on. at least until after my one year in mc because i oredi promised to serve e arts students population and they voted me in so i cannot be so irresponsible and leave all these things. i also cannot be so irresponsible as to leave all my friends and people close to my heart in the lurch. i cannot bring myself to do that when i can think rationally. haha, therefore i wont commit suicide or quit MC so long as i am sane!!! :)
then i am going to take up a huge tasks which will only make me more busy than now, make me realise more things about myself (both strengths and weaknesses), see more shit in this world and maybe become even more depressed or sadistic or unfeeling than now.. i am going to run for the project director of a super massive project.. i was very unsure of this decision... i was very paranoid of this choice... i was very afraid of what i will have to deal with... but i guess i do not want to live with regrets and i want to challenge myself, really push myself to the limit and see if i can live up to it. after MC, maybe i can change my focus in life to be my future students. ok den, it is getting late already. shall stop here and may all things go well for me especially my exams!!! haha, hopefully i can become a teaching scholar by the end of this year? yea man, tomorrow will be a better day! hope is always there, see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! :D
12:40 AM