Liuxingyu's Blog
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Thursday, November 27, 2008


9:45 PM

Somehow this time round for examinations, it feels different from last few semesters. For one, upon comparison with last few examinations, I am relatively calm and chill most of the time, studying and revising at a pace that may be considered slow compared to the past. Also, I feel that I am absorbing better the things which I have to study for, with shared revision workload with friends and coursemates. Lastly, I am resting much much more as compared to last few semesters! Be it sleeping time or chilling out time, it feels really sinful at times.

Even though I am like not exactly up to my own standard of revision mode, it seems to be the one that is working out for me. However, it is still early to say I guess, must look at the results before concluding that this method of revision is the way I should continue doing. Sometimes it really makes one feel very guilty for taking more naps, more breaks, more hours for sleeping, but I got this intuitive feeling that it helps one to remember and study better. Anyway, going to take a tiny break before I work on my final exam of this semester. Everyone hang in there and jiayou jiayou jiayou wor!!! :))) The near is in sight~! ;)

11:49 AM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


11:12 PM

Sunday, November 16, 2008

New hairstyle to be prepared for the things to come in the near future.

New outlook in life to be more conscious and thankful that things can never be taken for granted.

New family portrayal to be better adapted to and contribute to.

New start to the reading week without a lot of people whom are greatly missed.

New.. if there is no new then there is no old. Am I making sense? No idea but WHO CARES! :P

10:23 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008



7:14 PM

Monday, November 10, 2008

已经好久好久好久没有那么痛快、那么尽情、那么敞怀地大笑那么长时间了。笑到嘴巴酸,肚子痛,简直快疯掉了!哈哈哈,好好好难得哦!!!要特别谢谢以下这些人,让我再次找回欢笑喔~ ^-^

Thank you Mei Ling, Serene, Zi Cheng, Alson, Jun Yue, Adrain, Joan, Chuan Seng, Hwee Guang, Bing De & Zhimin!!!

11:20 PM

Saturday, November 08, 2008


10:05 PM

Monday, November 03, 2008

In life, there are always the unforeseen circumstances that can happen anytime anywhere, sometimes catching you by surprise, other times catching you totally off guard. Some of them may be more than welcomed, whereas there will also be some that is wished upon never to happen to yourself ever again.

For the gladly accepted ones, they can be seen as highlights in your lifetime that make your day shine like the sun, or they can be seen as little fortunes showered upon you by the one above. For the really bad ones, they can be seen as challenges in life for you to overcome, or they can be seen as problems for you to learn to resolve.

No matter what, I guess in life we should 不以物喜,不以己悲。 ^-^ Lastly, everyone jiayou with all the deadlines wor! :)))

4:38 PM